Sunday, December 28, 2008


So I am headed out tommorrow for six months. I know my last post said I would keep everyone informed on how crazy my life was, but obviously that did not happen as some people felt the need to point out. But really for the last two weeks I have been home for three days. I was in Utah for a week for training and visiting. Got home and left the next day for Houston for Christmas. Got home on Friday night and now I am leaving at seven in the morning. So if I did not say good-bye to you consider this your own personal good-bye and I will see you in six months. However don't think that this blog is ending because I will be on here letting you know about my awesome life and how you should be jealous of me. (j/k, but only a little).


Missy said...

I miss you already. I looked at your flight details and thought of you stuck up in the air. Bye, be careful! Love ya.

Goyo said...

Have a safe flight and good luck getting used to the time change!